The Seniors

We’ve had a graduation party, and said our goodbyes to the graduate students from TTC(Teacher Training College). They are now a proud group of Teachers, and we are equally proud. During the three years we have supported and connected with these great young people, we have grown to love each others as family. We haven’t just been there when the School Fee had to be paid, but also when they have been far away from the family, or if it’s just hard being a student. We have also been there for the times we’ve celebrated, for their success, and when we’ve visited them when they had their internship at small schools deep into the jungle.



This bunch of people are really worth celebrating. We served up with games, badminton, a good dinner, and for those who felt like it could say a few words about what they’ve learned, what they have experienced after working with us in SSL. For some people this resulted in a shaky voice, but with an overwhelming gratefulness by the chance given through being supported by SSL.
A whole lot of that gratefulness goes to all of you who is donating to SSL every week or month.




We thank each other for some good years together, and wish good luck for the years ahead.

We thank each other for some good years together, and wish good luck for the years ahead.


The next thing that will happen specifically is that we will contact the School authorities in the different districts these young people originally descent from. Every district takes responsibility over the teachers, and will in the next few weeks find a suiting post for them. At this point they will be an official worker of the State, and will receive their paychecks from there. Our economic support ends at this point, but we will still visit them, and be a support when it is needed. We also wish to look at the elementary-schools our teachers are working, and support the kids with school packages, so more kids will have the opportunity to attend school.
But to accept more students. We need more donors!


Click here, if you wish make one or several donations


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